Who are you? How are you?

“If you or someone you know would benefit from an intelligent, heart-centered, ultra non-formulaic, liberating inquiry and general life-support, I hope you will take note and try this unique experience!”

Skye W., Human

This work is for anyone willing to consider more contact with themselves. It is for individuals, couples, and groups. It is for people with trauma, and people who have not experienced trauma. It is for anyone with a mind that might like to know more of a home of your body. It is for skeptics, and dreamers.

For those active minds, this work will gently interrupt you to make sure you get the most out of your time. We want your whole system (which includes, but is not limited to, your mind) in on the changes you are wanting so that you can enjoy a broader palette. 

Additionally, the greater world (our environment) is a part of our complexity, our wounding, and our enlivening. This work is for people willing to include that broader context, and to explore how this work meets the world. You with high standards, do not fear–Rest is part of the process.

For people who want support in holding the messy paradoxes of life, for people who need space to question and kick tires and “fail” (or not), for people who feel like everyone is missing something… or maybe they are… or both, for people willing to not know, who need space to feel intensely and/or possibly be boring and quite possibly be profound… for people Alive, or wanting to be, I’d love to sit with you. 

You deserve to be close with yourself. Contact me for a complimentary initial consult.